Meet Lisa Bobyak!
We loved our conversation about preventing burnout with Lisa Bobyak!
Lisa Bobyak, founder of Living Fully Balanced™, has been challenging the current
hustle culture and preventing burnout in high-achieving women for over a decade.
Steeped in perfectionism and people-pleasing, Lisa once ran her well-organized life
at a clip. It all worked well until it didn’t. The reckoning came only after repeatedly
burning out when she lost her health and marriage.
Now, her mission as a Life Balance and Leadership Coach, is to heal burnout as
quickly as possible. She teaches go-getters a new way to live and lead… with an
approach that is more effective and powerful and, most importantly, highly
Through her Living Fully Balanced™ process, she shows ambitious women with full
lives, how to regain their energy and increase their capacity so that they can make their
mark on the world…without losing themselves in the process.
Lisa is the creator of the Beyond Burnout Kick Start, the Living Fully Balanced Life
Planner© and the semi-annual Pause Retreats.
During our conversation, she referred to The Owners Meeting. This link provides a worksheet to walk people through this process:
Lisa’s website:
Lisa’s LinkedIn Profile: